When does a minority make a difference? It did in this election!
Phoenix only needed 13% of voters to show up and vote to continue the march of light rail down South Central Ave on September 2, 2019.
The Arizona Republic estimated only 195,000 voters showed up to cast a ballot to decide this issue. They also estimated that 26% of Phoenix registered voters cast a ballot in the election. Therefore, about 13% of adults who are citizens in Phoenix cast the ballots to approve this and other light rail extensions.
Even though the turnout was small, City leader applauded the results. The voters of Phoenix have decided on this important issue. Like it or not, the issue is now decided and put to bed.
Bryan Watkins is a Broker with LRA Real Estate Group. He does not live on light rail, but takes light rail to games in Downtown Phoenix. You can reach him at 480.734.7878 or bryan@LRAphx.com.