January 23, 2015
Subject: City Plans for REZONING properties near the Light Rail.
Twice last year, I rallied the business and property owners along Washington Street to attend City meetings regarding the re-zoning of our properties to a new “Walkable Urban” code. As you may recall, this new code would only apply to a narrow area along the Light Rail and would make it more expensive to expand our business. Also, leasing our properties would be restricted under the new code. But worse, almost all of our property would have been flagged as “Non-Conforming” by the City of Phoenix which can seriously lower our property values. Needless to say this was horrible news for owners and we loudly voiced our concerns and objections to the City Planning Staff at the two meetings.
Many people believe we can’t “fight City Hall” and that may be true if you’re all alone, but strength is in numbers. Thanks to the large turnout of owners that attended both of the meetings, the City made a sincere effort listening to us. As a result of our combined voices and efforts, the City Planning Department has revised the Plans and the new Walkable Urban Code to incorporate the needs of industrial properties within the new Gateway Zoning District.
The City has asked me if the Property / Business Owners would be able to meet again to review and comment on the “revised plans”. I have only had a glimpse of the new versions of the code and plans because they are not completely done yet. What I did see looked favorable to us and there is a whole new section just for Washington Corridor Properties. However, my experience in working with the City has taught me that we can only expect as much as we inspect. In other words, the devil is usually in the details.
So once again, we need to get together as neighbors and let the City know what we think of the “new-improved” versions of the zoning code. Who knows, maybe this is a good thing and we can all cheer and clap that we succeeded in saving our property rights.
Please, it is important that we have a very strong attendance of business and property owners at this meeting. Feel free to call me if you have any questions.
Craig Steblay
Owner, Post Box eXpress
602-266-3500 |